How Do I Stop Wheezing From Seasonal Allergies

Wheezing is a very common symptom associated with allergies. It can be quite uncomfortable and it can lead to difficulty in breathing for which you should visit an allergy center immediately. Here are some things you can do to stop wheezing.

Causes Of Wheezing

Wheezing is defined as the tightening of the throat and this may cause your lungs to produce a sound that is similar to a low and deep whistle. Basically, your bronchial airways are constricted and this may cause you to experience difficulty in breathing. Here are some common causes of wheezing in allergies.

  • Pollen can cause wheezing, especially if you inhale it too much.
  • Pet hair can cause wheezing.
  • If you are already allergic to dust and have too much exposure to it, then wheezing can be a common symptom.
  • The fungus can also lead to wheezing.
  • Wheezing can also be caused by food allergies and this type of wheezing is actually more dangerous and needs to be controlled, otherwise, it can lead to life-threatening conditions.

How To Stop Wheezing?

Here are some things you can do to stop wheezing:

Use An Inhaler

If you have allergy-induced asthma, which is also known as a more severe case of wheezing, then an inhaler is the best option for you. It contains corticosteroids which help to relieve the bronchial airways and makes breathing a lot easier. It also eliminates the infamous whistling sound coming from your lungs and it alleviates wheezing.

Increase Oxygen Intake

If you want instant relief from wheezing, then you can try a nebulizer or an oxygen mask. This will instantly make you feel better and your breathing will normalize in no time. This procedure is commonly done in the emergency room if you are going through extreme wheezing. Sometimes, wheezing can also be caused by a lack of oxygen in the lungs and in your body in general, so external oxygen supply will help you out a lot. Putting on an oxygen mask for a few minutes will help you a lot in making your breathing more regular and less strained.

Use A Humidifier

As for home remedies, you can use a humidifier. With allergy-induced asthma or wheezing, you need moist air in your system and lungs. Dry air can actually make breathing hard and this can put a lot of strain on your constricted lungs and throat. A humidifier will make the incoming air moist with small droplets of water and this air will alleviate your dry bronchial airways and breathing will be easier for you. You can easily put a humidifier in your room where the air comes naturally, so near a window is the perfect place for a humidifier.

Drink Warm Beverages

Wheezing is also caused by mucus being stuck in your airways and with the airways having a small surface area, they can easily become blocked by the trapping of mucus in them. For this, you can try to unblock your bronchial airways with warm drinks and teas. Mint and peppermint tea are perfect for a blocked throat or nose and they have essential oils in them which can help alleviate your breathing. You can also drink warm soups and this will help you a lot in breathing more easily and putting less strain on your throat and lungs.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises also make a world of a difference in wheezing. You can do it any time of the day, but the key here is to do it regularly to see visible differences.

You can try breathing through your nose with your lips pursed and inhaling and exhaling slowly. You can build the speed up slowly but at first, you want to start slow.

Inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth shaped in an “O” will also help with wheezing. Do this regularly throughout the day for remarkable results and diminishing wheezing.


There you have it! These tips are great for controlling wheezing and the tightening of the throat. You will feel much better when you get the wheezing under control. To prevent wheezing in the future by getting proper treatment, book an appointment with an allergy doctor Germantown.