It’s that time of the year again when allergies are at their peak. If you’re someone who gets severe allergic reactions from trees, flowers or plants, then it’s good to know about tree pollen allergy so you can visit an allergy clinic at the right time.
Tree Pollen Allergy
If you thought that only flowers have pollen, then you’re wrong. Trees also produce a lot of pollen and sometimes, the pollen production season in trees can be the same as that of grass and flowers, so it can be really hard to identify the type of pollen that’s causing severe allergic reactions.
Tree pollen allergy is caused by the pollen produced in trees. A lot of the time, different trees produce flowers and fruits, and those can be the main producers of pollen, especially when it’s close to harvest season. The most common trees that can produce a lot of pollen are fruit trees and pine trees. The pollen produced by trees is also extremely lightweight and it can travel easily via wind, rain, and water and can latch onto the skin and clothes of people, from where it can find a way into the bloodstream and cause severe allergic reactions.
Some trees produce huge amounts of pollen than others, so every single tree is going to affect people differently. Pine trees are known to produce a lot of pollen, especially from March to May, while some trees can also produce pollen in the winter months, like December and January.
Pollen, in appearance, is a very light and powdery substance that is produced by trees. Major pollen production can occur in oak trees, elm trees, cedar wood trees, hickory trees, mulberry trees, willow trees, pecan trees, mountain elder trees, box elder trees, and birch trees.
Cause & Diagnosis Of Tree Pollen Allergy
The main cause of tree pollen allergy is the pollen produced by trees, but the more important thing to know is the diagnosis of this allergy. How would you know that the allergic reaction you’re getting is due to tree pollen?
Allergy Test
The most common way to find out the type of allergy you have is through an allergy test. You need to see a special doctor, also known as an allergy specialist. These doctors specialize in allergies and they run tests on people suffering from allergic reactions, to pinpoint exactly what type of allergen is causing their immune systems to retaliate.
The main gist of an allergy test is that you need to go to the doctor and tell them about your symptoms in detail. You want to tell them about all of the discomfort that you’re feeling and what you think triggers your allergies.
Blood Test
Afterward, the allergist will take a blood test and look at your levels. They will also conduct an allergy test, in which you’re going to be exposed to a number of allergens and your symptoms will be monitored.
Pollen is also one of the things that’s tested on your skin. If your skin and body are reacting violently to tree pollen, but not to grass or flower pollen, then your doctor has an official diagnosis and they can rule out all other possibilities and give you a diagnosis. From there, the allergist can start to work on an effective treatment plan.
Symptoms Of Tree Pollen Allergy
Now that you know the causes and diagnosis of tree pollen allergy, here is what you need to know about the symptoms.
Runny Nose
The most common symptom is a runny nose. As soon as you get in contact with the allergen, aka tree pollen, you’ll start to feel sneezy and your nose will constantly be runny.
Congested Nose
Another general symptom of tree pollen allergy is a congested nose. You won’t be able to breathe normally through your nose and you’ll need to use your mouth to inhale and exhale because your nasal airways will be blocked by built-up mucus.
You can also experience high-grade fever. Tree pollen allergy is also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis or seasonal hay fever, so you will definitely feel lethargic and tired and your body temperature will also rise. This is your body’s natural defense mechanism kicking in, trying to fight off the foreign invasion, which is why you’ll be feeling these symptoms.
Constant Sneezing
Constant sneezing will also be a huge symptom. This is not just one or two sneezes here and there, but an entire sneezing fit, where you’ll feel like something is tickling inside your nose and you can’t get rid of it.
Constricted Chest
Your chest might also feel constricted. You will experience difficulty in fully exhaling and inhaling and you’ll feel pressure in the center of the chest. This is why you’ll feel the need to engage your mouth in breathing as well because nothing will help.
Water Eyes
Your eyes might also feel watery and they will appear red. There will also be swelling on the lids and under your eyes. The area around your nose and right by your eyes might also feel extremely tender and if you touch it then you’ll feel immense pressure.
Treatment & Prevention Of Tree Pollen Allergy
Here are some treatment options and preventative measures for tree pollen allergy.
Allergy Medicine
You can use allergy medicine to tame the symptoms and to help control a serious outburst of allergies if you get in contact with the allergen.
Nasal Sprays
If your nose feels super stuffy, then nasal sprays and decongestants can help you out a lot as well. They will clear the nasal airways and you’ll be able to breathe without any problems.
Avoid The Trigger
Try to avoid the allergen or trigger at all times. If it’s too windy outside, then stay indoors and close all of the windows. Sitting in an air-conditioned environment will help a lot as well. If you really have to go outside, then wear a mask, because it’s going to protect your nose and mouth from the allergens.
Air Purifier
Get an air purifier, if you prefer to keep your windows open. An air purifier will help to filter the air and you’ll not have any unpleasant surprises waiting for you.
If you don’t have allergy medicine on hand, then at least carry antihistamines and fever medication with you, either in your bag or in your pocket, because you can alleviate the symptoms until you get your hands on the allergy medicine.
Allergy shots or immunotherapy can also help with getting rid of allergies for good. You can consult with your doctor and get an appointment if you want to nip the allergies in the bud.
Asthma Medication
You can also take asthma medication if your allergies get worse and your breathing is being affected.
Maintain Good Hygiene
This is important for all people who suffer from allergies. It’s important to change your clothes as soon as you come from somewhere, keep clean surroundings, and have a healthy and balanced diet.
Tree pollen allergy is one of the most common allergic reactions out there and it can affect a huge chunk of the population. Now that you know everything about tree pollen allergy, from its occurrence to its treatment, dealing with reactions can be easier. If a reaction is severe, go to an allergist immediately.